
Tuesday 25 October 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 122

Yet again, it's all quiet on the Forth front...

This has been another run of the mill week with very little to report at the moment. I'm aware that I'm behaving a little like a broken record but I promise more exiting things are coming up soon! For now I'm just coasting along, but I think that's good enough at the moment.

The only major issue is the fact that I'm existing on 4 hours sleep a night which is just plain awful. I'm going to start imposing a strict cut off in the evening in an attempt to sleep more as I have headaches due being overtired practically all the time. I need to rein this in as it's getting ridiculous, and as the next few weeks are going to be a busy blur I could do with being as alert as possible.


With that in mind, this coming week is going to be centred around sleeping more, if possible. I look forward to no longer unwittingly impersonating zombie!

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