
Tuesday 1 November 2016

Transformation Tuesday:Week 123

Time seems to be moving extremely quickly at the moment.

I don't know what's happening at the moment but time seems to be running away with me. Everything that was always months away is suddenly upon me seemingly without much warning, and while it's obviously panicking me a little I'm being uncharacteristically calm on the whole. November is going to be an extremely exciting and hectic month, so for now I'm aiming to get as much of my life in order as possible. For someone who's so obsessively organised at work I'm all over the place at home and as such I want to get all my ducks in a row as soon as possible.


I spoke last week about sleeping more too, and while I've been largely unsuccessful on that front, I'm hoping to try a little harder this week and actually sleep more than 4-5 hours a night. I'm going to try out the new 'Bedtime' feature on my new phone too as it looks super useful (and I love a good app...)! I've set my times to incorporate 8 hours sleep, and while I haven't managed to do it the last two evenings due to cinema trips, hopefully tonight I'll be able to properly see if it works. Anything that encourages me to go to bed earlier isn't a bad thing in my book.

I don't really have anything else to add at the moment. I'm going back to eating healthily after loosening the reins over half term and combined with sleeping more I think my body will thank me over the next few weeks. If anything, let's see how the next 7 days go to start with and I'll reevaluate from there.

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