
Tuesday 18 October 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 121

I definitely did not forget to write a post this week...

Luckily, I have nothing much to say, which makes a frantic against-the-clock post a million times easier!


I managed to have a wonderful weekend in London for the final few days of the film festival, and having finally shook my illness a few days before I found it extraordinarily easy to actually enjoy myself like a normal person. Well, that is if getting giddily excited over a ludicrous number of films in a short space of time counts as normal...


I'm easing back in to healthy eating and strict boundaries, but given how I didn't lose my way at the weekend I see no point in punishing myself now. I didn't behave in any way that could undo my hard work recently: I ate relatively sensibly, drank loads of water and walked pretty much everywhere. My only issue had been a lack of sleep, but I'll take a few nights of broken sleep due to waking up thinking about the films I've just seen. I'm sure I'll start to calm down now and sleep through the night like an adult once again in no time.

For now I'm just focusing on a mini goal coming up in the next few weeks. I'm pretty excited, so watch this space!

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