
Tuesday 11 October 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 120

Everything was going so well, and then I got ill.

I'm not very good at being ill. In fact, I'm shockingly bad at it and really can't handle functioning at any less than 100%. Nothing annoys me more than my body failing me, and this bout of illness coincided with a weekend I've looked forward to for a year. The London Film Festival has always been my equivalent of an annual holiday, and depending on commitments I'll go down for as long as I can to see as many films as I can cram in. This year I miraculously managed to get tickets to every single film I wanted to see, meaning that I had planned 2 jam-packed weekends full of back-to-back films. To me this is absolute heaven, but instead of enjoying this first weekend as much as I should have I spent the end of last week and the entire weekend with a head filled with cotton wool, popping strepsils and paracetamol like a drug addict, considering taking out shares in kleenex, barely sleeping and then loosing my voice. How delightful.


On the plus side, I completely lost my appetite so avoided any potential over-eating on my own in London; drank loads of water to try and combat my raw throat so ended up staying super hydrated; and I saw Ryan Gosling in person. Not too many complaints here then.

I think I'm finally coming out the other side now, and despite feeling a little bit like a zombie I feel like me again! I've loosened the reigns with food a little after being so strict for the last fortnight as I don't think that helped at the weekend, but I'm going to go back to tight boundaries again in a week's time. In the meantime, bring on the films (again)!

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