
Tuesday 5 July 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 106

Channeling Daenerys has been such a godsend this week. I feel more like 'me' than I have in ages, so I really can't complain about this change in direction!

The last few weeks have been awful, but I think I've finally turned a real corner. I am inspired and driven once more, and I no longer feel like I'm even remotely drowning. I am making healthier choices with food and sleeping significantly better. Plus, I've swapped yoga for the BBG: I'm struggling to walk up and down stairs at the moment as my legs are still a little wobbly but I'll take it! I feel a million times better already so I think this bodes extremely well for the rest of the summer.


I'm not going to allow myself to get carried away, but instead I'm going to embrace this new found positivity and see where it takes me. Maybe I'm onto a winner, or maybe this is just a fluke, but either way I feel like I've found a break in a cloudy day and that's not a bad thing at all. I feel like there's lots of planning and experimentation ahead, but for the first time in ages that excites me rather than scares me.

My head is so confusing.

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