
Tuesday 12 July 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 107

Oh, I am back.

Yayyyy! At the moment it feels very much like a fog has been lifted from my mind and I can finally begin to see the world clearly again. Life doesn't feel quite so exhausting or upsetting or down-right depressing any more, and while I don't necessarily trust that I'm in a good place for the long run, I'm going to enjoy this feeling for as long as it lasts. And I really, really hope it's here to stay.


I feel so focused - not on any particular end goal but on life in general. My feet are back on the ground and I feel completely in control of my own life and decisions once more: I am no longer careening through life at a million miles an hour, watching everything flash by me and hoping I don't crash. I'd almost forgotten how it felt to be calm and largely free from panic!

Last week I started the BBG again and due to my newfound determination I've successfully completed 3 sets of circuits, 3 sessions on my exercise bike and a long period of stretching exactly as planned. This sudden increase in exercise is tiring me out but I've taken to it so well - I really enjoy it - that I have every confidence that I'm going to carry on in this vein for the rest of the summer. While I may be exercising more I'm not making any effort to adjust my diet, but I've somehow managed to slip into healthier eating without really trying. I going to try out this stress-free mindset for now and see where it takes me: who knows, it might be the method that finally works for me?!


For now though, I'm off to the Star Trek Beyond premiere. Beam me up, Scotty.*

*Seriously: please do. I'd love nothing more than to explore space aboard the USS Enterprise.

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