
Sunday 3 July 2016

Quarter-Life Crisis Challenge: July 2016

It's safe to say, this month's challenge has been a complete fail.


I absolutely detest yoga. 

I've tried it as I said I would, and as you can see from the lack of blue stars on my chart I haven't managed to stick to it for the 30 days required at all. In the beginning I really tried - only missing a session when I literally didn't have the time to fit one in (see: the second week of June...) or if I almost fell asleep on the mat - but as each session began to leave me in pain (and not normal exercise pain at all) I subconsciously found any excuse not to fit in a session. Yes, I've been hideously busy in June and haven't had as much time or headspace as normal to make it work, but I don't think that's any excuse. If I'd put my mind to it properly I know I could certainly have made it happen; after all I managed to fit in plenty of reading and cross-stitch!

The main thing - I think - is that I just don't really enjoy it. I wanted to so, so badly, but I'm just not there yet, and I don't feel like I'm even on the way to becoming all bendy and zen. I wanted to do these challenges to develop habits with activities I already know I like, or to give myself 30 days to try new things and take a step out of my comfort zone. Yoga was a 30 day step out of my comfort zone and I didn't like it one bit: it led to an enormous deterioration in body image, a constantly painful back and an epic mid-month rant. I'm extremely glad I gave it a go and despite the negativity it created for me I don't regret trying.

For now though, I'm going to shelve yoga and come back to it in a few months' time. I don't think my head was in the right place for it in June, but maybe under different circumstances I might take to it? Only time will tell, and I'm not prepared to write it off indefinitely as I still think there may be hope for me yet!

In contrast to my issues with yoga, I've managed to read and cross-stitch with a vengeance. I've made my way through 3 books - fascinating coffee table read, What I Love About Movies; the underwhelming Me Before You; and The Rosie Project, a slow start but absolute winner in the end.

Plus I've put a huge dent in Catherine Parr: hopefully I'll finish her by the end of July!


I'm going to be continuing to read and cross-stitch at every chance I get as I really think I'm in a routine of sorts with them now. I'm also going to swap yoga for circuits and see how that goes instead.

Most importantly, my main new plan is to explore more film this month. It's my favourite hobby and I feel like recently I've really dropped the ball with it, so for the next month I will be aiming to do something film related every day for 30 days. This could be watching a film, reading articles about the industry, researching a genre or finally making my way through the film books I borrowed from the library months ago and keep racking up fines on as I always renew them after they're due... After a month destroying my confidence with yoga I want to build it up again with my favourite thing in the whole world.

So, 30 days of film...go!

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