
Tuesday 28 June 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 105

Well I didn't give up on yoga, but I also didn't go near it with a barge pole either...

Writing everything down in last week's blog post helped enormously in the most cathartic way, and seeing my frustrations with yoga articulated in black and white seemed to lift a gigantic weight off my shoulders. I may not have made much progress on the yoga / weight loss front this week, but I've stopped feeling guilty about my perceived lack of progress, and I think that's a pretty good place to start!


I always knew June would be manic, but I don't think I properly anticipated just how busy, exhausted and slightly overwhelmed I would be. I'll be okay, but I've fallen into a mindset whereby I just need to make it to the end of term (next Wednesday!) and then I'll be able to steer myself back on track. I almost don't care what I do to my body until then, as long as I make it to Wednesday in one piece... This is not the right mentality at all - it's that 'eat everything in the fridge before my diet starts on Monday' mindset that I absolutely abhor - but I can't shake it, and as I only have to survive another 8 days I can't see any harm in it... (read: it's terrible and I need to get a grip). Although, I suppose it could be a lot worse?!

I'm going to make much more of an effort to sleep more, drink more water, and actually try out yoga a couple more times before the end of the month. It's safe to say that my 30 Day Challenge was a tiny bit of a disaster but I don't think I should just give up. Watching Captain America for the fourth time this weekend and seeing the astonishingly good finale to Game of Thrones has sorted my head out and made me feel super inspired once more. I may not be where I want to be, but like Daenerys I'm on my way there. Let's do this. Valar morghulis.


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