
Tuesday 10 May 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 98

I think I work best when I'm busy.

The last week seems to have gone by way too quickly - I can't quite believe it's time to write another one of these posts already...


My sleep is suffering at the moment, and while I'm a million times better than I was before I started this new sleeping pattern, I've been consistently getting below 8 hours every night which is ridiculously frustrating. A clear run of green stars on my Fitbit app is only just out of reach and I hate it! My aim this week is to sort myself out and start sleeping more again: I've felt the effect of half an hour a night less this week, and I really don't want to go back to life as it was before. Being constantly tired already seems like a thing of the past.


I've also thrown away my remaining LighterLife packs. It's mainly because I ran out of shakes. In order to use up the bars I have left I'd have to buy more shakes, and I don't think that's a good idea at all. It's starting to feel like I'm almost deliberately dragging out using up the packs as it gives me something to cling to, and that no longer sits well with me. I've read an awful lot this week about metabolic damage, and it was this article in the New York Times that pushed me over the edge. I can't keep fasting - and I definitely can't do it again for a long period of time in the near future - as I think it's now doing my body more harm than good. I stand behind using LighterLife at the start of this process and I don't regret it one bit, but I'm starting to regret how I'm using it now. The thought of damaging my body beyond repair really scares me, so I think it's time for me to try relaxing and letting my body sort itself out. As long as I'm healthy while my body faffs, I can't see a problem with it.


In my head, it feels like I'm throwing in the towel, but logically it's really just a new chapter. Finally. I'd appreciate it if you didn't say 'I told you so'...

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