
Tuesday 17 May 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 99

I can't quite believe I'm careening into 100 of these posts without a huge update to speak of, and I have to say - yet again - things are pretty boring round here at the moment.

Aside from making the mistake of staying up to watch Eurovision (it's left me with a tiredness hangover for days - I clearly can't cope with staying up past 10pm any more) my sleep pattern is settling again. I could not be happier to be sleeping more; it's as if my mind is significantly clearer and I'm focussing on everything around me more than before. How on Earth I coped living under a constant fog of exhaustion for so long I don't understand. Now this aspect of my well-being is under control again, I'm ready to start tackling everything else.


I'm battling my way through Eat. Nourish. Glow. at the moment, and while there are certain aspects of it that I'm taking with an enormous pinch of salt (for instance, I don't agree that we'll be talking about gluten in twenty years time in the same way that we speak about smoking now) I still think the book contains a number of useful tips. One chapter focussed on cutting out certain vices, and so that's where I'm going to start. At the moment, I've already successfully cut out caffeine (36 days and counting), I don't really drink so I'm happy to forgo alcohol, and I try to adhere to a gluten and lactose-free diet as much as possible anyway. The one area I haven't even attempted to curb is my sugar intake. I've read quite a lot in the past about the virtues of cutting out processed sugar, both in terms of weight loss and improving general health, but I've honestly never really given it much thought. However, given how I've plateaued and am in need of a new challenge, maybe cutting out sugar could be my next move? Even if it doesn't have an enormous impact it might be enough to kick-start my metabolism, and more than anything I think that less processed sugar in my diet can't exactly be a bad thing.


I'm going to focus on doing my research for now and then hitting it hard over half term. I know if I have a plan together I can 100% succeed, but going in with the little knowledge I have at the moment will just set myself up for failure! Give it a week and I'm sure I'll get my head round the whole idea and start putting plans in place. I think it could be fun?! Any advice would be welcomely received... I'm on the lookout for Davina McCall's book at the moment as I'm sure she published one recently that outlined cutting out sugar for good. Other than that I don't really know where to begin, so nudging me into the right direction if you have any experience with this would be appreciated!


It all seems vaguely exciting... I think!

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