
Tuesday 3 May 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 97

In a stark contrast to last week I didn't forget about this post, however I still don't have much to say...

I am now 24 days into 8 hours sleep a night, no caffeine and working towards changing my habits with my Quarter-Life Crisis Challenge. I've drastically cut down on the time I spend staring at screens by reading everyday, and with my cross-stitch back in my life I'm hoping this will continue for the next month. All in all, I feel pretty positive.


The next step is to get back into exercise after a week off, and to sort out my diet. I feel a millions times better than last week, and back eating much healthier again. However, I know I can do so much more than I am now. I don't have it in me to fast full-time again: I have LighterLife packs to use up so I did 2 days last week and that was more than enough! I'm going to do 2 days again this week to use absolutely everything up as I really don't want any packs left in the house anymore but I can't bring myself to throw them away. I think by still having a box of them I'm clinging to a notion that I could always go back to LighterLife if necessary, and I don't want to have that temptation. To be honest, I think my body needs to fast every few weeks for a couple of days as it solved my hideous bloating and knocked my head back into the game. I know, though, that I won't be doing it for any longer than that at the moment. I simply don't have the willpower anymore, nor do I feel like it's necessary.

I'm currently reading Amelia Freer's Eat. Nourish. Glow., so hopefully that will provide some inspiration moving forwards.


So that's the plan! More exercise, more water, more sleep and less screens. That all seems pretty doable to me...

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