
Tuesday 15 March 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 90

It's a truth universally acknowledged that as soon as I start to feel good about myself, the scales bring me crashing back down to earth.

I've felt wonderful all week. My head is in an amazing place - helped enormously by being back in a theatre for a week - so I can't really complain about life at the moment. What is going on?!


It's because of this that I just knew that the scales would not reflect this positivity this morning. I even mentioned a couple of days ago that because I felt so good, my clothes were so loose and I felt like I'd lost weight that I would have increased on the scales: guaranteed. I really should have put money on it as yet again I've yo-yoed and it makes absolutely no sense. It's been an enormously busy week - exactly the same, if not significantly more hectic, than I mentioned in last week's post - and as such I've been having two meals a day and running around so much that all of the sections on my Fitbit app have gone green every single day. Maybe the combination of the two has meant that I've retained weight rather than lost it? Maybe I need to eat more to compensate for the increased activity even though realistically I know I won't do that?


I honestly don't know what to do for the best, and the thought of getting my teeth stuck into any form of diet right now is just too exhausting to think about. I know I need to focus again and push forwards, but I'd rather keep my head happy, sleep more and be more active for the moment even if it means I don't lose any weight. It feels like I'm stalling - or even being lazy with it all - but I have no motivation to be anything other than vaguely healthy at the moment. I just don't want to diet, and I don't think a half-hearted attempt is really worth it at all. If I'm doing it, I want to do it properly. Hopefully I'll be in a different frame of mind soon, but for now I'm not going to force myself to do something I don't want to do. I'm happy (well more than normal anyway!) and I don't want to rock the boat.


I'm letting my head take the lead. This is a marathon, not a sprint, and while I may not have made any remarkable strides with this transformation malarky recently I haven't taken any steps backwards and that can only be a good thing.

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