
Tuesday 22 March 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 91

For the first time in weeks, I forgot to weigh myself this morning. As it happens, it hasn't been the end of the world.

Initially I was so annoyed at myself. I have a routine on a Tuesday morning, but I'm so exhausted at the moment that I was too busy frantically making sure I wasn't late to work instead of finding the scales and temporarily putting them in the centre of the kitchen. If it's any help, I felt like I'd lost weight by the weekend but I've probably put it back on over the last few days. I've slipped back into my old bad habits of eating rubbish because I'm too tired to function and too stressed to care. Hopefully by the weekend I will have given myself the kick I need to get my head back into the game. Until then I'm going to hope for the best and try to make it to Good Friday in one piece!


I'm also feeling the effects of not exercising regularly. I haven't managed to go on my bike or do a BBG workout for weeks and while I thought it wasn't really a problem I've really been struggling recently. I found exercise to be a stress-reliever, I slept better after a workout and I generally felt more confident in myself. I really need to get into some form of routine that incorporates exercise as soon as I get home from work as I'm not really sleeping properly, I'm constantly feeling drained and my head is running a mile a minute all day, every day. At least half an hour of exercise induced endorphins every day should be a massive help towards sorting my body (and body clock) out! A chat to my physio yesterday really highlighted how much I need to exercise for the good of my head rather than my body, and it's now top of my priorities for the week.


My plans over Easter involve correcting my sleeping patterns, sorting out my head, and finding my focus when it comes to food. I'm not aiming for much then...

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