
Tuesday 8 March 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 89

Last week I said being busy would help enormously, and I don't understand my body at all because it has both helped wonderfully and not at all in equal measure.

As I've previously mentioned, I've been stuck around roughly the same weight - fluctuating by the same 7lbs - for months, and this week was no exception. I've felt so thin all week: all of my clothes have fit better, my ribs are visible, and trying on new clothes at the weekend revealed that I'm a size smaller than I thought I was. However, the scales this morning put me 2lbs up on last week, and my favourite work skirt was a little tight this morning. This makes no sense at all when everything else I own has felt looser and I look smaller!


I'm chalking this up to an increased level of activity - I'm smashing my Fitbit goals this week by running around like a headless chicken virtually every day - and I'm not eating any more to accommodate this. I'm still basically fasting throughout the day and then having normal food at night, but I don't think that's the best option at the moment. Maybe I need more fuel to keep me going throughout the day, and as such my body's storing everything from the evening? I'm neither fasting properly nor eating normally, and while this low level of food normally works well for me (i.e. I think it suits me more than 3 full meals a day) it's not really doing me any favours when I'm moving around significantly more than I would normally.


Being busy might stop me from eating, and it is ensuring that I'm walking / climbing millions of flights of stairs / generally flapping for hours every day in a way I wouldn't usually, but it's not doing much for weight loss. I'm also shattered all the time... Hello early nights! I'm going to play it by ear this week - hopefully drinking more and sleeping more too will all work wonders.

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