
Tuesday 1 March 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 88

I think it's been a pretty decent week, despite spending the last few days in a sleep-deprived haze after pulling an all-nighter to watch the Oscars...

It's been such a godsend getting back into a routine after the freedom of half term. Clearly moving around, running up and down stairs all the time and drinking more water is much better for my body as I've somehow lost 3lbs. I'm not paying any attention to the number on the scales - I'm pretty much convinced that my scales aren't correct - but rather I'm making myself aware of the differences each week as I think that's more important. I've been fluctuating around the same 7lbs for 3 months and can't seem to shift any further below it, which is super frustrating! I know I'll get there eventually, but for now I'm not going to push myself too badly or get hung up on the numbers.


My new year's resolution went totally out of the window as I've lost so much sleep this week it's not even funny. It was all worth it though as the Oscars are my favourite night of the year, although having to survive a day at work on 1 hour 40 minutes of sleep wasn't the smartest thing I've ever done... Aside from sleep I'm hitting all my other goals at the moment which can only be a good thing. I'm also hoping that by being crazy busy over the next few weeks I'll have too much on my mind to be anything other than focussed with my food habits. If I distract myself well enough hopefully I'll end up tricking myself to be healthy before I know what's happened?! Fingers crossed anyway...


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