
Tuesday 16 February 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 86

I am no longer ill! Yayyyyy.

Having spent the best part of a week feeling like death warmed up I have never felt more grateful to feel normal. I may be exhausted to the point that I think I've aged a couple of decades in a matter of days, but I'll take that over being rendered totally useless and pathetically living in a blanket with sleeves.


As such, I've done exactly as I said I would and taken it slowly with food this week. I haven't started fasting properly at all, but instead kept my potions small and my steps and water intake up. I'm definitely coasting at the moment, and while I'm not progressing as fast as I'd like I think there's more to life than dieting, particularly when my body just doesn't feel up to it. A few good sleeps and sessions on my bike during half term should set me back on the straight and narrow, and from next week I want to be focussed and determined once more.


For the first time in 86 weeks I totally forgot about writing this post too... I can't tell if that's a bad thing and I'm losing concentration with all things transformation, or if I should just embrace it and take it as a sign that life is going well enough that I don't need to write everything down and dissect exactly where everything went wrong during the week. Who knows?! Thoughts on the back of a postcard, please.

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