
Tuesday 9 February 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 85

This week I have felt infinitely better: my head confuses me greatly!

I've felt so focused - and dare I say it, thin - all week that the fact that I haven't fasted at all hasn't bothered me one bit. It's been a stressful week, and as such I simultaneously haven't had enough energy from fasting to do anything of any use or enough energy to focus on fasting properly. I've started most days on packs but eaten real food in the evenings: as a result my portions have been pretty small but I think I really suit this amount of food. I haven't lost any weight on the scales but my jaw is more defined than normal and my skirts are looser than they've ever been so I'll take this as a success.


While my head's been in a good place my body has well and truly betrayed me this week. I've been ill and have had to take the last two days off work (which I've felt extraordinarily guilty about doing despite looking like Rudolph, sounding like Darth Vader and having as much energy as a sloth). My steps on my Fitbit have been significantly less than normal but as I've had an enormous cup of water in my hand at all times my fluid intake has been pretty spectacular. As long as I keep this level of water consumption up even when I feel better I think I'll be on to a winner!


The plan is to start fasting again tomorrow, and after another good night's sleep I think I should feel almost back to normal. However, I'm not going to rush anything: even though I'll be back at work I'm not going to drastically cut my calories if it's not the right thing to do too. The aim is to listen to my body and do what feels right, and I don't see any problems with that.

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