
Tuesday 23 February 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 87

As far as weeks go, it's been pretty boring. However, I am extremely inspired having spent the week reading anything and everything I could get my hands on.

I haven't done much at all food-wise this week. Despite starting with the best of intentions of fasting properly, the week descended into a combination of Christmas and the day before a diet: it's like I was using the week to eat everything naughty because I knew I'd be back on my best behaviour come Monday. I think it's sort of helped though, as I managed to get all cravings out of my system, reset my head and come to the conclusion that I'd attack the next half term with a vengeance.


Although I may have wavered slightly with food I was really focused with exercise and managed several sessions on my bike. I'm timing them to episodes of Once Upon a Time and Daredevil on Netflix, so for me the combination of exercise and catching up with shows in my Netflix list makes this a win-win! I felt a million times better after exercising, and I'm managing to peddle for longer and faster with each session which I think is a good thing. I'm also trying to walk a lot more to get my steps up, and once again, it makes me feel a million times calmer, more grounded and generally healthier. So while I may be faltering on one front I'm definitely succeeding on another.

I made full use of half term by reading everything in sight. I seemed to read what feels like hundreds of articles both in print (my pile of unread magazines was getting ridiculous) and online and as such I feel so rejuvenated. Occasionally I still manage to lose myself and it takes a ludicrous amount of reading to right my head and remind myself of what I'm aiming for and why I'm doing what I'm doing. The future may be very unclear for me at the moment, but following an insane amount of reading I feel inspired and energetic again, and almost ready to start making more concrete plans. Actually converting these thoughts and dreams into actions might be a step too far, but watch this space...

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