
Tuesday 1 December 2015

Transformation Tuesday: Week 75

This week went well.

I continued with my policy of easing into Slimming World - in the past when I've said I'm starting a diet on Monday I've used that as the perfect excuse to eat everything in sight (and often more besides). I'm hedging my bets that by taking a more relaxed approach to weight loss my head will be in a much better place, even if it takes forever to lose the weight. I'm trying out a new method of not being so black and white about food - there's more to life than losing weight and I've had enough of punishing myself constantly for every single loss and gain. I've made a conscious effort this time around to avoid the consequences of an all-or-nothing approach, so it's taken me a fortnight now to use up all of my M&S soups and get having a coffee and something sweet in an evening out of my system. As such, I haven't binged once, I haven't eaten to excess at all, the house is largely free from temptations (Christmas is coming after all...), and I feel more than ready to give Slimming World my all.


That being said, I haven't totally ignored Slimming World while getting ready: I've been trying to follow the healthy extras, 15 Syns, and free foods principles - while simultaneously not keeping extremely strictly within the boundaries - and somehow managed to lose 1.5lbs. It's not a lot at all, but I'm taking it as a step in the right direction particularly as I haven't been 100% focused. Also, I think that as soon as I've properly got the hang of all of the details I'll be able to yield much better results.


At the moment, I don't think I have grounds to complain. It's my favourite time of the year, I love my job and I've lost weight for the first time in ages. Add to that a pretty snazzy advent calendar, festive bedding and a constant soundtrack of Christmas tunes and it's safe to say I'm very happy indeed at the moment. Now all I need to do is decorate the tree and watch Elf...

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