
Tuesday 8 December 2015

Transformation Tuesday: Week 76

I think I like Slimming World.

If I'm being perfectly honest, I still don't really understand the plan. I've not been weighing everything as I think I'm supposed to, and I'm not paying particularly close attention to the lists of healthy extras and speed foods. I have a vague idea of what's what and I'm using that as a guideline. This total lack of stressing over my diet seems to be working as I've lost another pound this week. It may not be a lot, but at least it's something, and it's 100% in the right direction.


Christmas is my absolute favourite time of the year, and so I thought I'd try something a little different in my approach to it this year. Whilst I was at university I took it as an excuse to binge disgustingly as a way of coping with my impending meltdown, and last year I broke the cycle by basically not eating anything at all. This year I'm eating sensibly while simultaneously not denying myself any treats. I figured that as long as Slimming World keeps me on track during meals then the odd mince pie in the evening really can't hurt. I can't see the point in punishing myself at Christmas any more and ruining my absolute favourite season: I want to enjoy it relatively guilt-free. Yes, I may be way over my syns on the odd evening, but in the big picture, does it really matter? I'm always extremely strict in confining my Christmas giddiness to December, so I know that come January 1st I'll be more than content to really attack healthy eating, forgoing any naughty treats in favour of a focus on the lifestyle front.

I'm going to enjoy myself, and helpfully enough it's been much easier to do when I don't feel awful about myself. It's not just the abundance of fairy lights, cheesy music and my snazzy new festive pyjamas that make being happy so easy at the moment, it's the fact that my head's in a good place. I seem to have lost a layer of insulation thus making me a little sharper around the edges, and being slightly happier with what I see in the mirror reflects wonderfully with my mood. I'm nowhere near where I ultimately want to be but I'm once again excited at the prospect of getting there, and I can't complain at that. Life seems to slowly be slotting into place in ways I never imagined, and the fact that it's happening in the month that I can watch Elf, Miracle on 34th Street, The Santa Clause and Love Actually on a constant loop just makes it infinitely better (if that's even possible?!).


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