
Tuesday 24 November 2015

Transformation Tuesday: Week 74

As expected: I don't have too much to report this week, and that's a really good thing.

One thing led to another last week and I didn't have time to properly plan a first week of Slimming World. When I say properly plan, I don't mean creating meal plans and shopping lists like with a week of the 90 Day SSS, but that I didn't have the time to even download the fact sheets about free foods, healthy extras and Syns in order to start to come to terms with this new programme. Luckily I managed to find a few hours at the weekend and I've managed to print everything off and have a quick read. At this stage it all looks pretty simple, but give me a week and I'll probably be saying something different!


The last time I did Slimming World there were red and green days, and I had hundreds of books and complicated recipes that made it extraordinarily easy to find an excuse to throw in the towel. Seven years later, it's all a little different (surprise, surprise). Having stalked lots of SW accounts on Instagram for the last few months I'd already come to terms with the whole healthy extra things, and free foods are now a lot easier to understand as it seems like everything is free all the time, rather than only unlimited meat on red days and certain carbs on green days. There's much less weighing and faffing which I'm really enjoying! I think the basic principle is to fill up on free foods - especially "speed" foods - and supplement them with two healthy extras and up to 15 Syns. So far, so good.


I started the plan yesterday, and while I haven't exactly had an abundance of SW friendly food in the house I've made do as best I could. Ideally I need to go shopping as soon as possible so I can fill the fridge with fruit and vegetables, as at the moment I'm largely having to snack on brown pasta (surely that can't be good for you in large quantities?) and frozen meat/fish. It's nothing unhealthy but it could definitely be much, much better. I'm going to really attack the plan this week and although I may not be doing it perfectly I'm certainly going to try!

Also, note to self: never try and write a blog post while re-watching Breaking Bad. Yes Netflix, I'm still watching. Somebody help me.


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