
Tuesday 3 November 2015

Transformation Tuesday: Week 71

This week's proved to be another difficult one to write about, mainly because there really isn't much to say...

I've put last week's terrible experience with the dietician behind me and now see it a something to laugh about rather than allow to upset me. While I'm still not strong enough - and don't think I'll ever be the type of person that will be - to accept the level of judgement about my weight that she subjected me to, I'm now in a position to largely let it pass without a too much of a second thought. I refuse to dwell on it, which is extremely out of character for me, but I'm going to take it!


It's a bit of a limbo week too, as I currently have nothing to report but I have a couple of things happening this week that should pave the way for positive changes in the coming weeks. As there isn't anything major happening I've made sure to carry on with the BBG, eat as healthily as possible (watching my portion sizes and cross-referencing my plates with a diagram of a pie chart, obviously) and try to sleep more. I'm sure that in a fit of procrastination last month I read an article that linked weight gain to a lack of sleep, and while I'm not sure quite how scientifically accurate it was I'm now a lot more aware of how little sleep I actually get. Plus, my Fitbit app congratulates me and awards me a star when I hit 8 hours, and I'm a sucker for that sort of praise! I can count on one hand the number of stars I've earned since I started using my Fitbit 6 months ago, so challenge accepted!


What else? I successfully went shopping for a new work wardrobe at the weekend and clothes that didn't make their way home with me were only left behind because they didn't suit my shape and not because they didn't fit. Gone are the days of me having to buy from an extremely limited selection of whatever was available in the largest sizes: I now have choice. I fear this could be a disaster for my bank balance so I'll have to be careful...


With all this in mind, life is definitely on the up. I think I needed my wobble a few weeks ago to push my back in the right direction, and being back in one of the places that made me extraordinarily happy as a teenager can only help matters too.

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