
Tuesday 10 November 2015

Transformation Tuesday: Week 72

I am rapidly becoming the most boring person on Earth.

Unfortunately, I have absolutely nothing new to report. The meetings that I thought would lead to weight loss actions actually came to nothing, so I'm heading back to the drawing board on that front. I have a few ideas, but as ever I need to make a decision and start working towards it. Luckily I'm feeling more motivated than ever so I'm convinced that once I take the first step I'll be more than capable of staying on the straight and narrow and following a plan through properly. Until then, I think it's just a case of eating as healthily as possible, exercising and trying to sleep more. All sensible suggestions here so nothing exactly ground breaking...


Apologies for the short and entirely dull post, but I genuinely don't have anything else to add. My head's in a truly excellent place - I seem to have a smile on my face every single day now - and I feel so overwhelmingly positive that for the first time in forever it seems like the world is my oyster. I knew going back to school was a good idea!


In other Transformation-style news, I'm making a determined effort to teach myself to like soup and to go to bed at a reasonable hour. I've had a lifetime of little success with both, so pray for me please...

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