
Friday 30 October 2015

Halloween Rocky Roooooad

Halloween has crept up fast this year, and as I've been pretty busy this week any attempts at difficult, impressive or bonkers themed bakes has unfortunately had to go out of the window. However, I wasn't willing to let the day pass unnoticed, so I had a rummage around in my hampers of ingredients and came up with this deliciously simple and insanely quick to make variation of a family favourite, Rocky Road.

These chocolatey-marshmallowy bites are significantly more treat than trick, and are the perfect homemade addition to any Halloween celebrations (particularly if you're strapped for time tomorrow!).


600g white chocolate
75g rice crispies
120g dried mixed berries
75g white mini marshmallows
4 full-sized white chocolate bars (I used KitKats and Lion bars, found in places like pound-shops and B&M)
1 bag of Halloween M&Ms
50g dark chocolate


Line a 12-hole muffin tin with Halloween cupcake cases.

Melt the white chocolate either carefully in the microwave (do this in short bursts and mix thoroughly each time) or in a bowl over a pan of simmering water.

Chop up the chocolate bars into small pieces - around the same size as the marshmallows - and place them all together in a large bowl with the rest of the ingredients.

Pour over the chocolate and mix so it's evenly distributed.

Using an ice-cream scoop (this is my absolute favourite and is well worth an investment!) fill each cupcake case with the mixture. Make sure you carefully squash it down so the cases are full without any huge pockets of air in the bottom corners.

Melt the dark chocolate and drizzle it over the tops of the cases, either using a teaspoon or a piping bag with a small plain nozzle.

Decorate with M&Ms and transfer to the fridge to set.

Take out of the fridge 30 minutes before needed (so you don't break your teeth...) and enjoy!

These are so easy to make that it's a tiny bit ridiculous! They're also perfect to make with children, so could be a fun activity for them towards the end of half term. The beauty of these - and why I always come back to them when I'm stuck and need to make something - is that you can customise them with whatever you have in your cupboards, and whatever ingredients you prefer! I only went for white chocolate as I thought it'd allow the colour of the M&Ms to 'pop', but it's entirely up to you. Plus, with so many Halloween themed chocolates and sweets on offer in supermarkets at the moment, you'll have no end of choice!

Are you baking for Halloween? Do let me know of any favourite recipes, and if you try out these Rocky Roads in the comments below!

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