Tuesday 27 September 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 118

I feel like me again, hooray!

Last week was definitely just a blip: it feels like my head has levelled itself at last and I'm calmer and more focused than I've been in weeks. I'm drinking insane amounts of water again and in a bid to capitalise on the good place my head's currently in I've cut out all rubbish food entirely. I needed to be the right frame of mind to succeed with such a drastic change, and so far so good.

(IMAGE SOURCED FROM www.instagram.com/addictivedaughter)

The only area I'm failing in terribly at the moment is sleep: I'm not getting enough of it at all, and I've fallen into a horrible toddler-style pattern of having a nap in the evening and then being wide awake at night. I think I need to aim for my Fitbit green stars again and try to get 8 hours sleep a night, as permanently being a little bit tired isn't fun at all when I know it could be avoided.

(GIF SOURCED FROM www.thedailyedit.com)

My goals for the week mainly involve sleeping more, and allowing myself to be excited about the future rather than vaguely scared. Everything works out for the best in the end, so why should now by any different?

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