
Tuesday 2 August 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 110

Another week down, another week of positivity. Plus, I think I talked myself out of a three week crash diet so that's good!

I'm pretty sure I've successfully convinced myself that doing LighterLife at the moment just for a couple of weeks would be a complete disaster. I stand by my dedication to that programme last year because I used it in the correct way - weight loss coupled with counselling - and as such using it for a quick fix now would go against everything I've stood for. It's extraordinarily easy for me to drop into that line of thinking at the moment particularly following an awful shopping trip that led to a breakdown in the car and a slew of negative thoughts, but I'm slowing coming round to a more balanced and sensible way of thinking.


I may not look how I'd like to in my head at the moment, but I also know full well that everything won't magically slip into place when I'm finally happy with my reflection. As a result, I need to embrace the present and accept that this is how I look now: ignoring reality, abusing my body and essentially treating it as a temporary vessel is just plain unhealthy. I'm not miraculously going to transform in an instant (although if my Fairy Godmother would like to make an appearance with her magic wand I honestly wouldn't complain) and as such I should come to terms with the current state of events and stop punishing myself for not looking like the unachievable and unrealistic version of myself in my head.


2 years ago I would have sold a kidney to look like I do now! I have an enormous admiration for anyone that is content with their body and exudes an unabashed confidence to wear whatever they'd like. Perhaps it's time for me to try and behave like the people I admire. I need to learn to accept my body as it is now if I'm ever going to enjoy it when I'm a little lighter and fitter in the future. If I want everything to slot into place I need to start working towards that end goal sooner rather than later.

Operation acceptance: go!

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