
Tuesday 26 July 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 109

I've been continuing with my 'saying yes' philosophy this week and it feels almost as if I've turned over a whole new leaf. Who am I?*

*Jean Valjeannnnn

Life is pretty good indeed at the moment. I feel organised, productive and extraordinarily positive virtually all of the time at the moment. My time management is much better than normal, I'm more willing than ever to step outside of my comfort zone and I'm impulse planning trips with a vigour and genuine excitement that I never expected. Things are definitely falling into place, and as a result I couldn't be happier: in a way it feels as if months of hard work are finally starting to pay off.


I am definitely not where I'd ultimately like to be, but I'm fully on my way there and for once I'm starting to enjoy the ride.


As I touched upon last week I had been seriously considering going back to LighterLife for a few weeks to drop a few pounds before August. However, I think I've successfully talked myself out of it. I might regret not doing it, but I'm not sure that a crash diet is the right idea and the healthiest thing for my body right now - I'm going to try upping my exercise instead and seeing what that does. I can already see changes in my arms and calves after just 3 weeks of the BBG, and I can't complain at that! This feels like an enormous leap of faith for me - trusting the process rather than panicking and trying something extreme and challenging - but I'm fairly convinced that it's the right course of action. I think I'll seriously doubt myself for the next few weeks, and I'll berate myself for not taking the more severe and challenging route, but only time will tell.


I hate the uncertainty and the lack of faith I have in myself, but if I start trying to enjoy this transformation process as much as I'm loving the changes to my head, I think I'll be on to a winner.

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