
Tuesday 19 April 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 95

I feel like I'm on a roll: it's been a good week.

Life is pretty good. I'm smashing my April reading goals - hello book number 4 - and I feel like I've finally fallen into a routine. I'm eating less, moving more, and drinking lots of water.


I went on my exercise bike 5 times last week, and while I'm not pushing myself too far too quickly I'm still feeling the effects of actually exercising after months of virtually nothing aside from the odd sporadic workout. I can't believe that I'd forgotten how good it feels to workout, how clear my mind is and how much it de-stresses me. Elle Woods was right: I'm bursting with endorphins, and if I had a husband I deinfitely wouldn't consider shooting him right now. Now I'm into the swing of things I think it's time to start setting myself mini challenges and exercise goals. My average miles per hour on Fitbit has increased with every workout, but I know I can do so much more! I needed to get back into it again so I didn't end up scaring myself off. I'm terrified of failure again, but with 7 days (and counting) of proving myself wrong, the urge to fall off the wagon has decreased significantly.


Most importantly, this week I've overcame a massive hurdle with my sleep. I haven't had at least 8 hours sleep more than 2 nights in a row in years, in fact, I can't remember ever having done so. Obviously I must have done at some point, so I'm guessing the last time will have been roughly when I started secondary school. As a teenager I had around 5-6 hours (at best) a night, and at university I existed on between 3-5. I've been constantly exhausted for the last decade, but I've always struggled getting to sleep in the first place, particularly anytime before 1am. I just assumed that I was one of those people that would have to function on 5 hours sleep on a good night, and that being well rested was a myth invented by filter-addicted Instagram bloggers. I resigned myself to always being a little bit tired, my eyes would always be slightly puffy, and I had no way of altering my sleeping pattern. Well, I am hideously proud of myself, because every night since last Wednesday I have had at least 8 hours sleep.

Who am I?!

I'm not going to lie: I'm very much driven by the possibility of a green star on my Fitbit app each day rather than the benefits of a good night's sleep... However, I don't think my motivation really matters as long as I keep this up! I now have a relatively strict bedtime, I'm using half as much concealer as I used to as my deep-set dark rings are finally receding, and I no longer have a mid-morning slump when I can't stop yawning. I'm wide awake during the day, and go to sleep when I'm super tired in the evening - I've never felt like this before, so it feels like a total revelation! My skin already looks better and - as everyone always says - I'm not half as hungry all the time. I can't believe I fought this for so long! I'm aware that so many people will be rolling their eyes at this, but I don't care. I've never been more thrilled to join this sleep club!


My plans this week basically include finishing The Girl on the Train and achieving a clean sweep of 7 nights worth of 8 hours sleep. I'm a grandma and I don't care!

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