
Tuesday 12 April 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 94

Oh, I have definitely turned a corner.

I'm finally focussed and feeling so positive. I'm sticking to my reading goals every day, I've completely cut out caffeine, and today I actually got on my exercise bike for the first time in forever. I'm also logging everything I eat and drink in my Fitbit app, along with monitoring my sleep pattern, steps and floors climbed. As such, I feel ridiculously organised, and even though I'm not making any particularly ground-breaking changes with regards to my diet and exercise regime I still feel like I'm actually getting somewhere. As ever I'd like to be moving much faster, but I'm following my 'slow and steady' philosophy and hoping that this time I'll actually succeed. I also read this article on metabolic damage by Casey at Blogilates and it resonated so strongly: relaxing is definitely the right next step for me!


Despite the strides I've made with my head, I'm feeling truly enormous at the moment. I can't really see any difference in the mirror (and I'm still avoiding the scales like the plague) but I've felt huge all week. I can't put my finger on why, but I think I'm the size of a whale despite not really looking physically any different. Maybe it's because I have a hunchback again so my posture's off, or maybe my black jacket for work is throwing me off, but I don't look quite right. I hate it. However, I will not be finding solace in the bottom of a packet of biscuits but instead in the form of a never ending bottle of water, a pile of self-help books and my exercise bike. I'm going to transform my insecurities away once and for all!


That's it for now. I'm still inspired, still pushing forwards, and still feeling more supported and loved than ever. Whatever my next goal is, I know I'm going to smash it.

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