
Tuesday 4 November 2014

Transformation Tuesday: Week 19


Well this week was a tiny bit of a success, and exactly what I needed.



Goodbye Mr. Plateau, and good riddance.


There’s no getting away from the fact that it’s been tough. Deep down, I’ve always been fully committed to the idea of LighterLife and sticking to the programme as I know that if I wasn’t doing it or if I was attempting to do something else instead I wouldn’t have anywhere near as much success as I have with this. Speaking from experience, it’s the only diet that works for me. Even though October was horrible, my weight didn’t really seem to move and my mood and whole outlook on life was significantly less than positive, a small part of me knew that by sticking with LighterLife everything would right itself in the end and in the long term I’d eventually reap the benefits. This last month was just a bit of a bump in the road. The only problem is that – as I’ve spoken about previously - when I felt so bad it was hard to look at everything objectively, stop being pathetic, and look further ahead when the immediate situation felt so crap.


I knew the day I broke the plateau would come eventually, I had just lost patience and motivation, and if I’m honest I was almost at breaking point. Before I stepped on the scales last night I’d come to the – rather mature and sensible - conclusion (very unlike me) that as long as my weight decreased I wasn’t bothered by how much. Any loss – no matter how big or small - would be a victory worth celebrating, and at no point was I to chastise myself for the amount. I stuck to the programme properly this week but didn’t feel particularly ‘thin’: if anything I felt bigger than I have for weeks. As a result I couldn’t gauge if I’d lost anything but hoped beyond measure that I had.


The feeling of losing 4lbs at this stage equates to my first loss of 10lbs in my first week. I am elated. Even if I maintain again next week and November turns into another silly maintaining session, it really doesn’t matter. I’m doing everything I can and I just have to trust that the weight will drop off in time as it should.


I think I’m being so level-headed about this because I finally feel like ‘me’ again. On Tuesday it felt as if a switch had been flicked in my brain and all of a sudden the dark cloud that had taken over my mind vanished. The reason – and I’m well aware it’s quite sad but I don’t care – Marvel announced their Phase 3 plans. I love, love, love Marvel, and I’m more than a little bit obsessed with superhero films. While frantically refreshing my twitter feed and following the live-blog on the Marvel website it’s like I had given myself permission to be genuinely happy again, and as my level of excitement reached the dizzying heights of “5-year-old-at-Disneyworld” I knew I was finally back. It may sound silly, but I‘ve been riding that wave of giddy anticipation and undiluted delight all week. I don’t know what impact it’s had on my weight loss but I’m assuming it’s a positive one if it’s anything like the change it’s had in my overall mood.

As it stands 4st is now in sight and my head’s back in the game. Woop wooooooop!

WEEK 18 LOSS: 4lbs 
TOTAL LOSS: 52.5lbs // 3st 10.5lbs

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