
Monday 3 November 2014

Manicure Monday: Le Poivre

Another week, another chance to indulge my Soigné obsession.

I told myself I was going to stop buying nail varnish, but then I saw Soigné had a sale on, and safe to say all my best intentions went out of the window. Oops.

I didn't feel quite brave enough to try out my new shade - l'Encre de Seiche - this week, so instead settled on Le Poivre, which I purchased a few weeks ago (and is now annoyingly reduced…). In the bottle, it looks like a light, icy grey, and I felt this would be perfect for the first week of November and the impending winter weather.


It's not as light as I hoped it would be but that's not too much of a problem as the subtle shade seems to pack a punch and has the depth of colour I've come to expect from Soigné. Actually, Le Poivre is incredibly similar to my ELLE Grey which is excellent as that one's running out and going a little gloopy making this the ideal replacement. It's wonderfully neutral so wouldn't look out of place in the office, but has a harder edge that makes it the perfect accessory with a cocktail on a night out. In my mind, it's a shade that's suitable for every occasion which makes it fantastic value for money!

As with all Soigné polishes the colour is neat after two coats and has an even, glossy finish that doesn't really require a top coat. I horrendously smudged one of my nails today, and while it doesn't have the quality of Chanel where you can carefully pat away any mistakes, another coat of colour evened everything out and it looked as good as new. I expected the nail to look patchy, but instead you can't even tell there was a problem (if you can find it in the picture above then I'll take that back!). I'm not a science boffin by any stretch of the imagination, but I'm assuming a positive product of the "5-free" formula and all the eco benefits is the lack of a strong nail varnish smell, which I absolutely love. Nothing's worse than the hideous smell that comes out of a bottle of nail varnish, and Soigné is brilliant for ensuring that's never the case.

I love this! Even though Le Poivre wasn't quite what I was expecting it's still a wonderful shade and I'm glad I bought it.

However, I'm still on the look out for a cold, light, icy grey, so if you can recommend any then do let me know in the comments below, along with any thoughts on Soigné and Le Poivre!

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