
Tuesday 4 February 2014

Innocent Spread Some Good

I have a pile of work the size of Mount Kilimanjaro so obviously I'm currently procrastinating and avoiding it at all costs. My room is spotless, my library books are renewed and I've drunk enough tea to sink a battleship. Just as I finally talked myself into starting, I stumbled across this on a final refreshing of my twitter feed.

Innocent Drinks have some of the best social media campaigns I've ever seen, and their twitter is constantly full of funny graphics, witty one-liners and so many links to pictures of cats and Patrick Stewart doing push ups that often you forget they're even advertising a product. I don't know anyone that doesn't like Innocent smoothies, and the fact that they make you adore the brand as well as the drinks just makes you love them more.

Their latest tweet really caught my attention:

So, I followed the link and was greeted by this:

Everyone loves to be complimented, and in times of essay stress, endless applications and tube strikes, sending a little something like this to the people you love will definitely brighten their day. It only takes a second and there are loads of compliments to choose from.

And my personal favourite:

So click here and pass it on: there's nothing like little acts of love and kindness to put a smile on everyone's faces.

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