
Wednesday 5 February 2014

#100happydays : DAYS 21-30

I'm a little shocked at how I'm still doing this: I thought I'd have given up a long time ago!

It's probably just me being boring and prematurely middle-aged, but I'm failing to understand the new "neknomination" trend that's sweeping across the internet at the moment. I find the whole thing completely ridiculous and the fact that it's come from no-where and has gained traction so quickly is utterly bizarre. Yes, it successfully highlights the power of social media and its influence over young people, but the peer pressure and stupidity involved is mind-boggling. As my news feed fills with my friends uploading videos of themselves taking part I'm quite happily hiding in a corner and giving it a wide berth, fingers and toes crossed that this fad dies out sooner rather than later.

One of my friends tweeted this yesterday and it sums up my opinion perfectly:

I've talked about both #100happydays and the Chain of Good on all my social media platforms and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. Even if it's just one voice in a sea of hundreds of neknomination videos I don't care. If it encourages someone to take up the challenge and start finding something to make them happy each day, or send a random and unplanned compliment to a loved one then surely that's a job well done. After all, the two go hand in hand!

We could all do with smiling a bit more and appreciating the good things in life, and embracing this philosophy instead of being forced into downing a drink (or worse) because someone on Facebook said we should, can't be a bad thing.

(Disclaimer: remember you don't actually have to compliment someone or be happy everyday: it's totally up to you - no pressure! - but it's not harming anyone and makes the world a nicer place in the process…)

So, back to #100happydays. They say if you do something for 21 days it becomes a habit, and this week I haven't even had to consciously think about finding something to photograph: it's almost as if I now do it on autopilot. Mission accomplished 30 days in?!

27th January 2014
21/100 - Early night and an epic magazine catch up. Just what the doctor ordered.

28th January 2014
22/100 - My ***** review of Coriolanus was featured in the The Beaver! #chuffed

29th January 2014
23/100 - Loving this book. Successfully making my history degree all about film.

30th January 2014
24/100 - Much needed post-presentation tea with my best friend!

31st January 2014
25/100 - American Psycho at the Almeida Theatre was the best musical I've ever seen. Electric, intense, hilarious and utterly stunning from start to finish. I'm on a complete theatre high. Amazing!

1st February 2014
26/100 - New toy! Here's to clearer skin at last...

2nd February 2014
27/100 - Today's been an organisation, research & notes day. (With the odd Netflix binge thrown in for good measure…). Perfect.

3rd February 2014
28/100 - Inspirational quotes always make me smile.

4th February 2014
29/100 - Such an amazing idea from Innocent Drinks.

5th February 2014
30/100 - Taking refuge from the rain at Somerset House and checking out the STUNNING 'Behind the Mask' exhibition. My excitement for the BAFTA Awards has increased exponentially.

30 days down, 70 more to go… Here's to continuing happiness in the face of stress and dissertation panic...

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