
Tuesday 7 February 2017

Transformation Tuesday: Week 137

This week is a repeat of last week's post, I'm afraid.

Yet again, nothing's changed. I'm still waiting for my wound to heal (I think it's one step forwards three back at the moment, which is super annoying), but I'm seeing my surgeon on Thursday so hopefully I'll actually have answers by then. The plan is just to carry on as I am at the moment and hope it miraculously clears up a lot in 2 days! I'm not holding out much hope, so never mind...

My steps are now well above my pre-op weekly averages, and in fact last week I did the most I've ever done since I first bought a Fitbit and started tracking my steps over eighteen months ago. Also, I now fit in a 4-5 mile power walk each day and it's helping me to sleep and breathe better. The only downside is that my muscles feel extremely tight so I've taken to stretching much more every day, and I even tried out a short yoga session last week to much success. In the past my skin made it almost impossible to feel any sort of benefit as I was stressing myself out by spending more time rearranging my skin into a comfortable position, than focusing on my alignment properly. This time, however, the only thing holding me back was my non-existent flexibility, and as I'm doing yoga to try and address that very problem I don't think I can complain!


That's it for now... My head's in a much better place following my wobble over the last few weeks, and I'm just desperate to start exercising now. While I fully appreciate the advantages of building up my stamina with regular power walking, I'm dying to start some form of circuits again. Fingers crossed I get the all-clear on Thursday...

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