
Tuesday 17 January 2017

Transformation Tuesday: Week 134

Oh, this is so annoying.

As ever, my story of the week is the gaping hole under my left boob and its utter refusal to heal. I think I've turned a mini corner this week though, as after a weekend of trying to get air to it by going bra- and dressing-free it's starting to knit together at last! It's super sore and stings all the time now, but it's dried out a little and definitely looks a lot shallower than it has over the last few weeks. Letting everything hang out has helped the wound enormously, but it's in such an inconvenient place that I'm not sure how I can continue to go in the right direction with it for now and function vaguely normally. The solution seems to be forgoing my bra and dressing for the foreseeable future until it's healed, but that's supremely impractical. Maybe a week of staying in the house might break the back of this, but I don't really relish the though of a self-imposed house arrest in the hope that my boob cooperates!


I'm seeing the nurses again on Thursday so I'm hoping they'll have ideas for a solution! New dressings rip the top layer of skin off so they're largely out of the question unless I fancy deliberately hurting myself each day, so fingers crossed the nurses have something snazzy up their sleeves!

Everything else is ticking over nicely. I am desperate to start exercising properly but I've still not been cleared to do so, so I'm having to stick to 30-40 minute walks. The problem is that they no longer push me like they used to, and I am now in the position where I cannot wait to start doing circuits again. My head thinks I'm ready, but I know my body probably isn't. I'm going to actually listen to the advice I've been given about this as I really don't want to undo any of my progress thus far. I think that by taking it steady, along with sleeping lots, keeping busy and staying positive I should be okay.


I could just do with this last little bit of healing to take place so I can step everything up to the next level. It's hard to set goals and go about achieving them when your boob doesn't want to cooperate!

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