
Tuesday 3 January 2017

Transformation Tuesday: Week 132

Well hello, 2017!

Now that 2016 is beginning to become a distant memory, I'm enjoying hitting the ground running and attacking 2017 with a vengeance. Recovery once again seems to be going pretty well. Unfortunately I still have an open wound on my left boob that's refusing to heal in any way, but I have another hospital appointment booked this week so hopefully I'll have answers then and a much clearer idea of how to fix this! I'm being much more relaxed about this than I thought I'd be given my initial utter panic, and apart from that I feel fine. My scar twinges a little every morning and when I do too much, so I'd like to incorporate plenty of stretching this week to try and combat any discomfort, but that's all it is: discomfort. All things considered, I think I've got off extremely lightly!


I mentioned last week that I was aiming for 5000 steps a day and I smashed that target so I've readjusted it for 5500 for the next 7 days. I only had a little issue on the two consecutive days where I did over 12000 steps and made everything ache horribly in the process. I was super tired and unable to sleep properly as a result of pushing myself too hard so I haven't tried it again since! I'm thinking that by upping my activity levels slowly and maintaining consistency each day I'll reap the benefits in the long run. Going mad and doing crazy amounts even if I'm feeling fine is not exactly the way to go for long-term success... Ironically, I'm now more consistently active each day than when I was at work (I used to be ridiculously sedentary and then have random days of 20000+ steps to pump up my weekly average), so I've ditched the compression stockings and embraced feeling better than I did before my op.


I have a feeling 2017 is going to be pretty special. I have a to-do list that's roughly the same length as War and Peace but if I can be half as organised for the rest of the year as I am now I think it should be a successful and exciting twelve months. Now, if only the final section of my incision would heal properly I'd be on to a winner!

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