
Tuesday 13 December 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 129

I'm still heading in the right direction, and that's all that counts...

It's been another good week. In some ways I think I've been too lucky so far: everything seems to be progressing exactly as it should (if not better) and as such I'm not entirely sure what to do with myself! I've been overly cautious with my recovery and I think it's paying off now. I fully anticipated that I'd be pretty much bed-bound and extremely uncomfortable 3 weeks post-op due to my non-existent pain threshold, and that I'd be using this time to watch Elf on repeat or finally attack my Netflix list or pile of unread books. Instead, I'm just about as mobile as I was before I had the operation, I'm a little uncomfortable but not in any real pain, and while my head's still a little cloudy my concentration levels are finally getting back to normal. I'm a little astounded at how I'm handling this to be honest: I'm not behaving at all like I expected, but maybe anticipating the worst is meaning I can happily enjoy the best, albeit without really trusting it's happening!


Over the week I've managed a couple of trips out to the cinema (yes!), painted my nails and had a walk around a couple of supermarkets. I've also fitted in a trip to see my physio despite telling him I wouldn't be in any fit state to start up again till the New Year... My back is now taped up and shoulders straightened so that I can begin to uncurl my hunchback again. I've always had a curved spine but it's been hidden by excess weight and skin, and over the last year I've been working at uncurling it with less weight pulling me down. It's ridiculous, but in the last fortnight my back is automatically straightening so much easier without any skin pulling it forward. I can't believe it! As such I had a minor panic about the thought of everything settling in a wonky position hence the need for a last-minute physio session to make sure everything's in the correct place and lots of tape! I now have a plan of stretching exercises to open my chest up and try and introduce some flexibility to my torso so that's pretty positive.


I've had a minor issue today with one of my incisions virtually opening up (in my head that's what's happening, but obviously that's not the case...) but a quick trip back to the hospital has sorted me out. I came away with a pocket full of gauze; 2 stitches removed; cleaned and redressed wounds (only in 3 small places so it's nothing really); and endless reassurance that I don't have an infection and I'm definitely not dying.

Sometimes I think all you need is a nurse to calmly tell you - without using the words - that you're just being silly. Oops.

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