
Tuesday 8 November 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 124

I'm sure I'm like the majority of people at the moment and waiting with baited breath the see how the US election unfolds, and as such I'm not really in the right frame of mind to write about my life when there's much more important things going on in the world!

Aside from putting my bedtime app on my phone to good use (like a total loser I get a real thrill from a notification telling me to go to bed every evening) not much has really changed this week. I'm not eating properly as I'm not feeling great and haven't had time to have lunch at work more often than not at the moment but it's not the end of the world at all. Life is moving at a million miles an hour which is mildly terrifying but as long as I can somehow manage to keep my head above the water and not drown then I'll be happy.


Now, to stay up and watch the election unfold or not...

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