
Sunday 4 September 2016

Quarter-Life Crisis Challenge: September 2016

My brain needed training, so August's challenge came at exactly the right time!


I think I've needed something vaguely intellectual to sink my teeth into, and a book of brain puzzles was clearly exactly what I needed! While they haven't been overly challenging, my mental maths and problem solving skills have been utilised for the first time in ages which has to be a good thing... I have to say, I really struggled to start with as I haven't done anything like this for years, but towards the end of the month I was rattling off puzzles in a matter of seconds and no longer had to look at the answers half way through the puzzle to check I was going in the right direction! The book had 98 puzzles, and my aim was for at least 3 a day. I missed a couple of days, but long plane rides meant that I more than made up for it over the month and I completed the book on the 31st. Woop!

I don't feel like I've particularly grown much over the month - or that I've developed a skill thanks to the book - but I knew it was going to be a ridiculously hectic month and as such I wanted something that I knew I could do for the whole 30 days rather than skipping a month of challenges. As far as I'm concerned, maintaining that consistent daily habit of the challenge was much more important than what I ultimately ended up doing. As such, I'm pleased with how the month went: it could have been an absolute write off, but instead I've done something positive.

I initially aimed for attempting meditation as well, but that really didn't work. I downloaded an app, and managed a couple of days but to be honest I didn't stick it out at all! Maybe I'll give it another go this month, but sadly August was largely meditation-free.

(yellow stars - reading / red dots - cross-stitch / silver dots - film / green stars - work-outs / silver stars - brain training)

In terms of my other challenges, I've read nothing aside from magazines all month; watched a couple of films; and nearly finished Catherine Parr. The main win has been regarding workouts, with BBG sessions at the start of the month and 10 days straight of 10-15 miles a day of walking.


Yet again, I'm having a conundrum as to what to do next... I have a list of activities I'd like to try but the time really didn't feel right, so I've gone for an easier one this month. I shall be colouring for 30 days. I have a couple of colouring books - most notably Harry Potter and Game of Thrones themed! - so I think I'm going to have a stab at them during September. The important thing is for me to accept that I'm never actually going to finish the entire colouring books, and as such maybe a couple of pictures would be a good goal for now. It's supposed to be relaxing, and I have crayons that need using up so maybe it'll kill two birds with one stone?!

So, 30 days of colouring...go!

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