
Tuesday 9 August 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 111

Sadly, I really don't have much to report this week...

It's business as usual this week, and I genuinely don't have anything major to discuss! Numerous shopping trips didn't lead to meltdowns of any sort, and although a foot injury has left me unable to do as many work outs as I would have liked last week, I did so much walking in London at the weekend that I think I sort of made up for it (even if my feet are now killing me more than before).

I feel so fired up, excited and inspired at the moment that I don't quite know what to do with myself. I have so much to do over the next fortnight and think that for once I might actually get through my to do list. What a thought!

It's Harry Potter's fault: a day in the theatre with the eighth story has reset my head perfectly. Thank you JK Rowling, you absolute babe.


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