
Tuesday 14 June 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 103

Oh I'm not going to lie, this week has been awful.

I've spent the last seven days in a sort of daze. I'm not going to pretend like I've been vaguely healthy, or that I've really treated my body well when I've done no such thing. I've been so busy that I haven't eaten during the day and then ate rubbish when I've got in at 8pm. I've been so tired that I've not done any yoga all week and then suffered when doing more than usual on Sunday as my body just panicked at the thought of actual being used again. All in all, it's not been great.


It's not been helped by the fact that my mood's been lower than it has in months. However, rather spectacularly I've managed to completely avoid a meltdown or any binging so it could have been much worse! I know exactly where I've gone wrong - and I know exactly what to do to get back on the straight and narrow - so I'm not overly concerned. Things should calm down over the next few days so I'll be able to sort myself out at last.

In other news, I've gone 2 months and 3 days without any caffeine - that's a cause for a mini celebration!


I just need to make it to July... Hopefully I'll still be in one piece by then!

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