
Tuesday 31 May 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 101

Welcome to post 101! Triple figures seems ridiculous: how have I managed to get this far?

After last week's much needed post of self-reflection, I've felt pretty grounded and extremely focused this week. I have a much clearer vision of where I want to take this transformation, and although the route there may be a little blurry at the moment, the end goal is very much in sight once more and fully formed. I know I can get there, and I know - with complete certainty - that it will happen before the end of 2016.

For now, I'm focusing on hitting 8 hours of sleep a night (I've slipped into bad habits again and am constantly tired as a result); drinking significantly more water (again: bad habits) and spending less time on my phone comparing myself to everyone else on the internet all the time. In my efforts to look far into the future and try to plan a long term goal, I've lost sight of absolutely everything in my foreground. The tiny actions that all ultimately add up to the bigger picture have started to fall apart slightly this week, but by tightening them up over the next 7 days I know I'll be back on track.


I also feel ridiculously sluggish, so I finally treated myself to a new pair of trainers - saying goodbye to the ones I've had since before university and are way past their sell by date - and plan to get back into the exercise groove. My physio has told me to avoid rigorous cardio for now, which is enormously disappointing as I was hoping to start the BBG workouts again, but I'm going to stick to my exercise bike and maybe try yoga again. I can't contemplate doing nothing for much longer, and as long as I'm sensible with my exercise choices then I shouldn't damage myself in the process!


I'm also planning to fill my half term with plenty of reading and research: I'm still aiming to work towards giving up processed sugar, and my mum bought me an early birthday present in the form of Davina McCall's latest book. As I suspected, the recipes look delicious and luckily they look achievable - there are no poncy ingredients and no whiff of this infuriating 'clean eating' rubbish that is being preached by bloggers with no nutritional or medical qualifications to speak of. It looks sensible, and if I use it in conjunction with further research into everything then I think I might be on the right track for this sort of challenge.

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