
Tuesday 5 January 2016

Transformation Tuesday: Week 80

Hello, 2016!

As expected, I maintained this week and I'm pretty happy about it. I've spent the week almost weaning myself off the excessive consumption of sugar that I'd sadly become used to over Christmas. I haven't hit Slimming World hard at all, rather I've eased into it. Over the week I've still had treats whenever I've wanted them, but I've been a lot more mindful of what goes on my plate and made much more of an effort to start putting boundaries up again. I think it's worked quite well as I don't feel restricted, punished or miserable in any way.


I planned everything so that - like everybody else in the world - I could start yesterday. I've been filling in my new Happiness Planner, doing the 30 Day Yoga Challenge, and meticulously counting my Syns in the notes on my phone. So far, so good! It has to be said: I feel so much better for it. My energy levels are soaring despite annoyingly sleeping less and my skin's cleared up at last. If that isn't confirmation that I should cut down on rubbish food then I don't know what is! I really shouldn't need physical signs like this to prompt me to be good, but as soon as my willpower starts to slip they really do help shove me back on track.


I've also finally started using my exercise bike, and everything hurts. Having done little to no proper exercise for over a month it's totally my own fault that I'm struggling so much, but that doesn't mean I have to like it! I know it'll get easier the more I do, and I'm hoping that my freakish levels of organisation this year (it's ridiculous even by my normal standards) will allow me to get into a routine relatively easily.


Low Syns, regular exercise and enough water that I'm convinced I'm going to develop gills: 2016, bring it on!

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