
Tuesday 29 December 2015

Transformation Tuesday: Week 79

Well, Christmas was fun!

There's nothing I love more than Christmas, and all things considered it went pretty well indeed. I have put on 2lbs, but I know that a chunk of that is a reaction to dairy bloat and will go with lots of water and very little effort in the next few days. I was really well behaved up to Christmas Eve but then went a little wild over the weekend. However, I wasn't half as bad as I've been in the past though so I don't feel remotely bad about it. I think this is the first Christmas I've ever had where I didn't feel guilty about what I ate, I didn't binge to the point of feeling physically sick, and I never felt ridiculously disgusted in myself and my appearance. All of these negative feelings normally ruined the festive period to varying degrees, so it was a new experience for me to actually enjoy the entire week without feeling anything but giddy with excitement about it. I may have gained a little, but I can't help but think that all things considered it was a roaring success.


Also, I've clearly trained my body to hate bad food. I've eaten things I normally wouldn't - purely because it's Christmas - and I genuinely feel awful for it! I can't sleep, my skin's the worst it's ever been and I feel super sluggish. A few days of more vegetables, more trips outside in the fresh air, and swapping my intravenous drip of breakfast tea for water should set me back on the right track, but for now I'm not in a good shape! Despite this, I don't feel particularly terrible about it: I know I can fix this very easily, and I know exactly what I've done to get myself in this state. I've eaten more dairy and gluten over the last 7 days than I have in the last 7 months. Cutting them out again will sort me right out!


As the end of the year draws closer, I'm making a real effort not to put any pressure on myself to be in a certain place by the time January 1st rolls round. I'll be playing it by ear and taking the day (and year) as it comes: I'm cutting down on everything now so that a concerted effort to be healthier in 2016 doesn't come as a shock to the system. I'm not giving myself New Year's Resolutions with regards to this transformation malarky, but more vague goals. I want to attack Slimming World properly - if I've had a limited success not really trying then hopefully I'll reap the rewards if I really put my heart and soul into it. I also want to incorporate more exercise into my schedule. My exercise bike is now up (assembled by my dad on Christmas Day...), and I've found a 30 Day Yoga Challenge on YouTube again. I'd like to try and fit them into each day if possible, but I'm not going to be beating myself up if I don't manage to do something every single day as planned.

In terms of mental health, I'd like to give meditating another go. I was utterly rubbish at focusing last time I tried it, but I've read nothing but positives about it recently so I think it's worth another shot! Also, 2016 is going to be the year I say 'yes' to things, and throw myself into life fully and without abandon. I feel more confident than I ever have, and that can only be a good thing.


All in all, it's been a brilliant Christmas and I'm extremely excited for all 2016 will bring. Thanks to everyone that continues to read these increasingly rambling and ridiculous posts: I think they've kept me on track this past 12 months more than I've really appreciated. I may not have achieved anything particularly remarkable in 2015, but I think these weekly instalments have kept me moving forwards when I've wanted nothing more than to stagnate, and they've inspired me to push harder when I thought I had nothing left to give. Fingers crossed 2016 will be full of surprises, challenges and - most importantly - progress. I know I can tackle whatever life throws at me, so bring it on!


I hope you all have a lovely New Year. See you for more Transformation Tuesdays in 2016!

Emma xx

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