
Tuesday 15 December 2015

Transformation Tuesday: Week 77

Buddy the Elf, what's your favourite colour?

For some completely baffling reason I've lost another pound this week. Again, it's not a lot, but I'll take it! I'm feeling really in the zone at the moment, and so focused that despite really having loosened the reins I know I'm going to succeed. I have an end goal in mind but for now I'm refusing to set myself anything in the interim. In the past I'd have put so much pressure on myself to be a certain weight by the end of the year (I definitely did last year) but I refuse to now: I don't want to end 2015 hating myself and feeling awful. Life really is on the up at the moment and I refuse to derail my progress in anyway.


I haven't really had to test my willpower thus far, but as Christmas Eve draws closer (my favourite day of the year - I'm not particularly fussed about Christmas Day itself!) I am concerned that I'm going to go a little wild... to combat this I impulse bought an exercise bike in the middle of the night last week. I couldn't sleep, so I threw caution to the wind and just went for it. I'd been debating the pros and cons of it for ages, and the more I considered it the longer my period of indecision dragged on for so I figured that enough was enough! I haven't had time to assemble it yet, but I'm aiming to get it up by the weekend so I can start exercising over the Christmas period. Hopefully this will remove any excuse that it's too cold to exercise or that I don't have the time to faff with it: the bike will be staring me in the face...


I'm also going to start cross-stitching again. Henry VIII currently only has three and a half wives and no head, and after a six month break I think I need to get started again. Most importantly, if I can take it up again for an hour or so in the evenings it's time I'm not going to be even remotely tempted to reach for a mince pie or potentially attack a tin of roses. I'm so possessive over my cross-stitch and want it kept in pristine condition, so there's no way I'll allow food anywhere near it! Not only will I be making something snazzy, but I'll be so occupied I won't have time to put on weight (in theory). Win-win I think, although it's official: I've turned into a grandma....

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