
Tuesday 6 October 2015

Transformation Tuesday: Week 67

I have plans! Well, sort of...

For now, I've put the 90 Day SSS on the back burner. It's clearly not working for me right now, and surely my constant need to avoid starting Cycle 2 is enough of a sign that I should just give it up as a bad job for now and find something else. I'll probably write more about this decision - and my real thoughts on the programme - in a few weeks time, but for now I'm just really, really happy to see the back of it. Failing with that has made me feel horrendous for weeks - and taken my head to a really terrible place again - so I think for the sake of my sanity it's best to walk away. While I agree with the principles of the programme it's just not for me, and although the physical side of it might be good for my body I felt it was ruining all of the hard work I'd put in with LighterLife with my head. I've been slowly unravelling for the last few weeks and I reached breaking point at the weekend. I don't want to be the person I was a year ago ever again, and my thoughts were beginning to merrily skip off down a dangerous, self-destructive path.


I feel like I've turned a corner and a fog has lifted: having actually made a decision I'm now in a position to move forwards and start progressing positively towards something amazing.


A hideous bout of illness has derailed me since the weekend, but once I'm feeling better I plan on starting the Kayla Itsines BBG again. I actually really enjoyed it when I did it over the summer, so want to try it out once more. Most importantly, I haven't exercise properly for weeks and I'm feeling the effects of it now: not really physically but mentally. My head's clearer and I'm more focused when I exercise so hopefully getting back into a routine will be helpful. In the meantime, I'm going to watch what I eat, and even though I won't be sticking to a certain plan I hope that it'll keep me grounded while I work one out.


All in all, even though I don't have much to report I feel like I've steered myself back in the right direction. Plus, I have lots of appointments now booked over the coming month that should give me the final nudge to really push this transformation up a notch. If I combine this productivity with endless levels of inspiration - I'm having a superhero/space moment with films that is making me want to seriously up my game on the diet/exercise front - then I should be on to a winner. As far as I'm concerned, that's only an exciting and positive prospect!

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