
Tuesday 25 August 2015

Transformation Tuesday: Week 61

From a blogging point of view I really dread these weeks  - the ones when everything plods along as normal - as such uneventful weeks really do translate to horrendously boring posts.

Apologies in advance...

When I say that I have nothing much to say, I'm not kidding: I have very little to discuss this week. In the past I've started a post like this and then before I know it I've been furiously writing for an hour, found a couple of appropriate gifs and scrolled through my photos to select just the right quote screen-grabbed from Instagram. All of a sudden my initial proclamation looks ridiculous as I clearly had an awful lot to say, I just didn't know it at the time.


Well this is different, I promise. I've largely stuck to the 90 Day SSS plan this week. Aside from a couple of days where I was really under the weather and had to supplement the snacks with a Nakd bar or an extra couple of rice cakes and peanut butter to keep my energy levels up, it's been business as usual. The cooking's still going well, and I now have several recipes that I can rustle up in double quick time and could probably make in my sleep.

I've been doing the HIIT workouts five times a week and have been pushing myself so much that I've practically doubled the number of burpees/squats I can do in each 30 second interval since I started 3 weeks ago. The only thing I wish I had more time to do was walk: I really miss my 45 minute power walks 4 times a week. I feel so cooped up hunched over a desk at home, and I can literally go several days without leaving the house if I'm not careful. Working from home may be wonderful in many different ways, but I think I'm going to have to make more of an effort to fit in the walks not necessarily for the exercise but for the fresh air and change of scenery. Plus I am hideously behind on the Empire podcast and The Melodist, and that needs to change!


That's it... I have 1 week left of Cycle One so I want to smash it. I'm not really seeing much of a difference at the moment but I'm going to have faith in the programme: my focus and determination will make it work!

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