
Tuesday 21 July 2015

Transformation Tuesday: Week 56

I know I said I'd have news to share about future plans this week, but unfortunately that's not the case...

Instead, let's talk about exercise, and how I'm now obsessed with podcasts about film. Yay!

Although I don't really have anything concrete to share about the next stage of my weight loss, I've been extremely productive this week in putting everything in its place, doing my research and really stepping out of my comfort zone. I've filled in a couple of questionnaires, read more about fitness and nutrition than I think I really needed to, and finally got my head round a plan of attack. I'm waiting to hear back from a couple of things so am obsessively checking my emails like a madwoman, but as far as I can see everything's starting to come together nicely! If the next few weeks unfold as I'm hoping they will, then I'll be ready to begin Phase 2 at the start of August which is a pretty exciting prospect!


I know I'm being secretive again, but don't get your hopes up: whatever actually happens isn't going to be terribly exciting by any stretch of the imagination! For once, however, I'm not doing what I normally do and assess every option to the point that I talk myself out of ever doing anything. This time I have actually made a decision (woop!) and the fact that I'm having to wait to start isn't my fault and a result of me faffing unnecessarily! If that's not progress then I don't know what is...


In the meantime, I'm continuing with the 5:2 mainly to use up my enormous box of LighterLife bars. It's safe to say this diet just isn't working for me - I maintained again this week. Luckily I'm so focussed and ridiculously motivated for the next stage that I'm not particularly bothered that I'm still stagnating. As far as I'm concerned I'll be happy if I can maintain until I start a new programme as it'll be proof that I've not fallen into the old habit of 'I'm starting a diet on Monday, let's eat the entire contents of the fridge before then because I can!'

In other news I'm now on week 9 of the Kayla Itsines BBG. Recently, though, I haven't really felt like it's pushed me properly, both with the circuits and with my power walking. I've been doing the same amount as normal - and often repeating certain circuits a couple more times or walking for an extra mile - but they haven't been tiring me out at all and I've not felt exhausted (in a good way) like I did nearer the beginning. To combat this I went a little mad in Tesco and essentially played Supermarket Sweep in the exercise aisle (I really did: I had a trolley and everything, and I cleared out 3 shelves...). Hopefully using heavier weights during the workouts might help? I don't know, but the ones I have at the moment feel as light as a feather now so I figured it was time to move up a gear! I've been a little ill over the last few days so haven't have time to test them out, but I did use the 8kg kettle ball to kill a spider in the middle of the night and it was pretty heavy, so I'm looking forward to being able to swing that around a little easier!

I never thought I'd say this but I'm also really liking my power walks.


I'm an awful lot faster than I was when I started, and I'm now jogging for a considerable chunk of time rather than just power walking (who am I?). I'm timing myself with podcasts - Empire, The Melodist, and Kermode and Mayo's Film Review are particular favourites at the moment - so it doesn't feel like I'm exercising: I'm just listening to clever people talk about my favourite things. The fact that I'm moving around a lot and not just sat on the sofa makes it even better.

So, next week I promise I'll actually say something a little more interesting and stop dodging the question like a politician. Watching Veep, Madam Secretary and House of Cards simultaneously clearly isn't doing me any favours!

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