
Tuesday 7 July 2015

Transformation Tuesday: Week 54

I've rewritten and deliberated over how to start this post for what feels like hours, mainly because following on from last week is a task and a half to say the least.

Week 53 ended up being more or less the same length as War and Peace, and while I'm extraordinarily glad to have both wrapped everything up and vaguely outlined a new plan of attack, it's sadly not left too much to say today.

There is something - don't fear! - but it's not as revelatory! I'm back in a routine and it's business as usual, except I'm ploughing ahead with more motivation and positivity than I know quite what to do with.

This is a strange week for me, and to be honest it's been a bit of an anti-climax after the excitement, relief and utter jubilation of making it to the 1st July 2015 without throwing in the towel and admitting total defeat at any point during the past year.

There was such an enormous build up to the twelve month mark that now it's been and gone I'm a tiny bit lost. I think that over the last few months I assumed that the change over from one year to the next would be monumental, and I'd be transitioning from one dramatic and successful plan to another.   It's almost like I secretly hoped that I would be in a position to publish highly personal revelations about my physical and mental transformations, and then immediately follow up with another equally as signifiant announcement seven days later. Ta-dah: look at what I've achieved, and now look at what I'm going to do!

Well that's just not the case, and that's okay.


I don't have a specific plan yet for Phase 2. As a result, I've not failed, my life isn't buffering, and miraculously I'm not having a meltdown because reality isn't matching up to the unachievable aspirations I had in my head six months ago about where I'd be now and the decisions I'd be making. I came to terms with it a lot quicker than I expected so clearly something has clicked in the most wonderful way. For now - until otherwise - it's business as usual. I don't desperately need a dramatic plan to start on Monday, or the first of the next month, or for when I've finished the BBG, or after the next full moon. If I find one I like then I can start whenever I want, and if not then I just need to keep putting one foot in front of the other.


While I'm not currently losing weight on the scales, for the first time in weeks I've not gained any either so I'm hoping I've turned a corner! I've done nothing differently at all this week so I'm putting this down purely to my ridiculously good mood and insane levels of motivation following the response to last week's post. Yet again you've all spurred me on and lifted me more than I thought I needed you to, and it's clearly worked wonders! I drank lots of water; stuck to the 5:2 perfectly; exercised nearly every day (I'm now on week 7 of the BBG); religiously noted my food intake; filled in my Daily Greatness journal; and assessed my step count every evening. For now, I think this will do.


In other - more upbeat - news, I decided to treat myself after last week.

While the Essie polish and Pixar toy (Inside Out's Sadness is my spirit animal) are kind of obvious, the Nike clothes are a big one for me. I've only ever bought workout clothes from M&S as I couldn't face the humiliation of going into actual sports shops and not fitting into anything at all. At the weekend I walked into a Nike shop and despite a tiny shop assistant's scathing assurances that it would be unlikely that I'd find anything that fit (she claimed the largest size they did was a 10), I smugly walked away with a bag full of clothes two sizes smaller than I initially reached for. I never thought I'd be the type of person to treat myself with fitness gear - let alone shorts?! - but times have changed. Who am I?!


As far as weeks go, it's been exceptionally ordinary, and while I've found that a little hard to deal with it's not deterred me. Normality doesn't necessarily have to be a bad thing, and breezing through boring weeks like this is something I should quietly celebrate.

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