
Friday 15 May 2015

#100DaysofHobbies : DAYS 21-40

I fully intended to post these updates of my #100DaysofHobbies Project every 10 days but life well and truly got in the way over the last few weeks, so this is a much larger post than I would have liked!

On the contrary to what my disorganised posting schedule might suggest, I've still been keeping up with the challenge, making sure to set aside time every day to pursue my hobbies. I'm starting to see it as a way to do something every single day that makes me smile, and so far it's working perfectly.

Sunday 26th April 2015
21/100 - Modern Family // television

Monday 27th April 2015
22/100 - Avengers: Age of Ultron // cinema

Tuesday 28th April 2015
23/100 - Woman in Gold // cinema

Wednesday 29th April 2015
24/100 - tidying & weight loss

Thursday 30th April 2015
25/100 - Far From The Madding Crowd // reading

Friday 1st May 2015
26/100 - Coming Soon: May 2015 // blogging

Saturday 2nd May 2015
27/100 - Once Upon a Time // television

Sunday 3rd May 2015
28/100 - cross-stitch

Monday 4th May 2015
29/100 - Rolo Cupcakes // baking

Tuesday 5th May 2015
30/100 - Modern Family // television

Wednesday 6th May 2015
31/100 - Grey's Anatomy // television

Thursday 7th May 2015
32/100 - Avengers: Age of Ultron // cinema

Friday 8th May 2015
33/100 - Veep // television

Saturday 9th May 2015
34/100 - The Audience // theatre

Sunday 10th May 2015
35/100 - BAFTAs // television

Monday 11th May 2015
36/100 - Game of Thrones // television

Tuesday 12th May 2015
37/100 - Modern Family // television

Wednesday 13th May 2015
38/100 - Far From the Madding Crowd // cinema

Thursday 14th May 2015
39/100 - Scandal // television

Friday 15th May 2015
40/100 - Captain America: The Winter Soldier // film

As ever lots of films, television and trips to the cinema, but I've made an effort to try and include a bit more variety with a spot of baking and work on my Henry VIII cross-stitch. I fear I'm becoming too engrossed in other worlds on screen!

Are you taking part in the 100 Day Project? Let me know in the comments below: I'd love to follow your progress if you are!

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